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Point. Click. Done. (Part one)

Mel Jones

Updated: Sep 7, 2019

As the world becomes more dangerous—at least in the US—I find myself drawn to the concept of boxing it. Go online, pick a thing, have it delivered. And done. How awesome is that? Point, click, and wait for USPS, UPS, or FedEx. It’s like magic, well mostly magic. It’s very 21st century and I like that.

No looking over my shoulder, jumping out of my skin, in a shopping mall parking lot when a car backfires (which is also very 21st century, and I don’t like that at all). I know I’m not alone in being stressed about moving through our new gun-rampant, hate-filled reality … I’ve had this conversation, being aware of my surroundings, listen to the world around me, be alert with lots of people. Many of my friends harbor these same anxieties. You would think it would be easier for women, we already must be conscious of our movements in the world. But that’s not true. This isn’t work on the buddy system, hold onto your keys and cell phone, wear shoes that can be weaponized: heels. That’s all hand-to-hand. Women weren’t trained for this new and foreign territory…

I didn't realize how much stress I am under until I started writing this. It was supposed to be short, to the point, offer choices. The seemingly wild west culture in which we live is exhausting. We are always on high alert. Always on edge. My ability to be surrounded by people is drained daily. It is an effort to be in the world.

I often wonder if it's easier for extroverts. As an introvert, being around people is always a challenge. I have always required time alone to recharge. To breathe. To reflect. To take down my guard and just be. Closing out the world has become a daily exercise. It's easy to isolate. Withdraw.

Boxes help to reduce crowds of people in small areas. I don't have to cope. Point, click, delivered. Of course, delivery people are now coming to my house in greater numbers. But I still have all my hand-to-hand stuff, and a bull mastiff.

Taz, part bull mastiff, part black lab. Photo credit N. Hicks

Several sorts of boxes are available: make up, toiletries, clothes, food… order specific item boxes, surprise filled boxes. Well, not really surprises, the make up box always has make-up, clothes boxes are always clothes and jewelry, but you get the idea. I can't be alone in thinking this is one way to diminish stress. No lines at the open-carry grocery stores to stand in. No people pushing at my edges, invading my space. No men taking up too much space in the world. Point. Click. Done.

So, here are some that I have tried over the last several years. I have divided them into groups by merchandise type.


Make up and Beauty Products

Ipsy: (surprise box) Inexpensive at $10 a month (I think it has to be paid quarterly or annually). For that price, you get a small make-up, or as they call it “glam” bag and five products that match your profile (age, coloring, color preferences). The majority of the products are sample sizes, but dead-on for the profile I created. And make-up brushes, brushes are cool. Products range from L’Oréal to Kokie to things I have never heard of, but discovered I love. I have added some of these products to my regular make-up routine, notably mascara, blushes, and eye shadows.

I stopped this service because, well, how many make-up bags does one girl need? I found products I love and moved them to my Subscribe and Save list at Amazon (more about this later). If you want to experiment with your make-up, this service is fantastic, especially for the price. It’s not like going to Macy’s and having them cake make-up on you; you work at your own pace in the comfort of your own home.

I now have a little make-up bag to match almost every purse I own.

Delivered USPS.

Birtchbox: (surprise box) Also inexpensive, $10 a month. Birtchbox has cool boxes, like the actual packaging: fancy, flower and butterfly covered boxes. They’re great for gifts. Birtchbox does make-up, haircare, and skincare. Again, the majority of what I received was in sample sizes. Now, for make-up and skincare, sample sizes are ok. My hair? That’s another story. Sometimes, one sample was not enough for my mane and so, I was never able to judge the quality of the products. The majority of items in each box was given away. Even at $10 a month, with cool packaging, this proved to be not worth it. I canceled my subscription after three months (or one payment).

Delivered USPS

If you want a make-up box, go with Ipsy.

Tomorrow clothes boxes.

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